Business Central Dynamics NAV Microsoft

Suggest Vendor Payments not retrieving transactions

“Suggest Vendor Payments” is the report 393.

If you are sure that the filters in the request page are correct but you are still not retrieving transaction here some extra checks:

Verify that:

  • The vendor is NOT BLOCKED (from vendor card, the Blocked field must be Blank)
  • The vendor has a POSITIVE balance.

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Business Central Docker Dynamics NAV HOW TO Microsoft PowerShell

HOW TO remove docker dangling and unused images

Let us extend the concept of Spring Cleaning to our computers, virtual machines and servers where we are using Docker.

I was starting writing some PowerShell script from the list of the docker images

PS C:\> docker images

and thinking which filters to apply when I thought that maybe docker contains already a command that does some good cleanup.

Here the result of my research, we can use docker image prune, in my case I added also the parameters -a to remove all unused images (all images without at least one container associated to them) and -f that stands for Force to do not prompt for confirmation:

PS C:\> docker image prune -a -f

Note: every docker image related to Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central takes usually 10-20 GB of space.

If you use navcontainerhelper for the creation of the Docker containers I suggest you to have a look also of the content of the folder under the following path:


You could find old database backup or source file objects downloaded that could be deleted as well.

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