7.8 Microsoft Windows Phone

Cannot login to Facebook from Windows Phone

I connected to, using my Nokia Lumia 800 with Windows Phone 7.8, but inserting the correct credentials I cannot login: the browser refreshes the page showing the alert “You must login first.”.
I thought I had forgotten my credentials…

Cannot login to Facebook from Windows Phone

Go to settings of Internet Explorer and place a tick on “Allow cookies on my phone” check box.

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Dynamics NAV HOW TO Microsoft

HOW TO test if a DateFormula variable is empty

We can learn a lot reading Microsoft standard C/AL code.

HOW TO test if a DateFormula variable is empty?

An example is offered in the Table 5088 Profile Questionnaire Line

[sourcecode lang=”Cside”]
TESTFIELD("Starting Date Formula",ZeroDateFormula);

Create a Global Variable named like ZeroDateFormula of DataType DateFormula and don’t assign any value to it.

Now you can use this variable to test if a DateFormula variable is empty.

[sourcecode lang=”Cside”]
IF PeriodLength = ZeroDateFormula THEN

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