Dynamics NAV Microsoft SQL Server

There are some objects locked in the database. You must unlock these objects before upgrading the database

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
There are some objects locked in the database. You must unlock these objects before upgrading the database.

Execute the following SQL Query, remind to USE your database name (replace NAVDatabase)

USE [NAVDatabase]

UPDATE [Object] SET [Locked] = 0, [Locked By] = '' WHERE [Locked] = 1

then close the query window (otherwise the connection will still remain active).

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7.0 7.5 7.8 8.0 C#.NET Microsoft Nokia SDK 7.1 SDK 7.8 VB.NET Visual Studio Windows Phone

Microsoft Windows Phone – “0x89731812”


The above error message appears when you try to deploy a Windows Phone Project to a physical Windows Phone device.

Connection to device failed.

Disconnect and Reconnect the USB Cable, verify that Zune running and unlock the screen.

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