Dynamics NAV Microsoft Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks – Trim method in Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision)

My Tip & Trick help you to implement Trim function in C/AL for Microsoft Dynamics Nav.


Removes all white-space characters from the start and end of a string.

You can use the C/AL function DELCHR with the following syntax:

NewString := DELCHR(String [, Where] [, Which])

So, you can use the following code:

String := DELCHR(String,'<>',' ');

TrimStart or LTrim

Removes all white-space characters from the start of a string.

String := DELCHR(String,'<',' ');

TrimEnd or RTrim

Removes all white-space characters from the end of a string.

String := DELCHR(String,'>',' ');

Since “spaces” are used as the default for Which, we can skip the second parameter and write code like this:

String := DELCHR(String,'<>');

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Microsoft Tips & Tricks Windows 7 Windows 8 / 8.1

Tips & Tricks – Restore Windows Start button and Start menu on Windows 8

Opposite the new, the man basically tries to adapt to change, but it often happens that the diversity creates frustration and one tries in every way to come back.

This concept is reflected in the large number of users who use the new Microsoft operating system Windows 8.

After years accustomed to having at the lower left corner the famous Start button, after you upgrade to Windows 8 you will find more and more of its lack.

As young and developer, my advice is to adapt, gradually you get used to, but if you cannot help I can only suggest a few ways to restore Start button and Start menu on Windows 8, and much more…

Below I list some of the tools at your disposal, the order does not establish any preference because I do not use them.


Win8 StartButton

Classic Shell


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